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Are Shampoo Bars Good For Oily Hair?

Are Shampoo Bars Good For Oily Hair

A close friend of mine has quite oily hair and over the years has tried all kinds of products in the hope that something would help. She found a liquid shampoo and conditioner that she was happy with however when she started on her journey to zero waste she realised she needed and an alternative. That’s when she reached out to me to ask are shampoo bars good for oily hair?

Shampoo bars are good for oily hair as they offer deep cleansing and moisturizing properties without stripping the scalp of its natural oils. Using specific shampoo bars formulated for oily hair can help reduce excess oil and leave hair smoother and shinier.

In this article, I will explore the benefits of using shampoo bars specifically designed for oily hair and share some top recommendations for effective solutions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Shampoo bars are a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to liquid shampoos.
  • Using shampoo bars formulated for oily hair can help reduce excess oil and leave hair smoother and shinier.
  • Proper technique and routine are important when using shampoo bars for oily hair.
  • Recommended shampoo bar brands for oily hair include Ethique, Eco Warrior, Lamazuna, and Lush.
  • Shampoo bars offer deep cleansing and moisturizing properties without stripping the scalp of its natural oils.

The Benefits of Using Shampoo Bars for Oily Hair

Oily hair can often feel heavy and look dull, but using the right hair care products can make a significant difference. If you’re looking for a natural and effective solution, shampoo bars are a game-changer. Here are some of the top benefits of using shampoo bars specifically designed for oily hair:

1. Deep Cleansing and Moisturizing

Shampoo bars for oily hair are specially formulated to deep cleanse the scalp, removing excess oil, dirt, and impurities. The natural ingredients in these bars help to unclog hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. Additionally, they moisturize the scalp without leaving any residue, ensuring your hair feels refreshed and hydrated.

2. Reduces Excess Oil

Oily hair is often caused by overactive sebaceous glands, which produce more oil than necessary. Shampoo bars contain ingredients like tea tree oil, neem oil, or charcoal that help regulate sebum production, reducing excess oiliness. This helps to balance the scalp’s natural oils and prevent greasiness, leaving your hair looking clean and fresh for longer.

3. Adds Shine and Volume

Using a shampoo bar specifically designed for oily hair can give your locks an instant boost in shine and volume. These bars are formulated to add body and lift, making your hair appear fuller and more voluminous. With regular use, you’ll notice that your hair looks healthier, shinier, and more manageable.

4. Tailored to Different Hair Types

Shampoo bars cater to various hair types, including oily hair. This means you can find a bar that suits your specific needs, providing targeted care for your oily strands. Whether you have thin hair, thick hair, or colored hair, there’s a shampoo bar out there designed to address your concerns and leave your hair looking its best.

5. Environmentally Friendly

One of the standout benefits of using shampoo bars is their eco-friendly nature. Unlike traditional liquid shampoo bottles that contribute to plastic waste, shampoo bars come in minimal or plastic-free packaging. By making the switch to shampoo bars for oily hair, you’re not just taking care of your hair but also taking a step towards a greener, more sustainable future.

With these benefits, it’s clear why using shampoo bars for oily hair is gaining popularity. Not only do they effectively reduce oiliness and boost shine, but they also help protect the environment. So why wait? Try out some top shampoo bar brands specifically formulated for oily hair and enjoy the benefits today!

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    Tips for Using Shampoo Bars for Oily Hair

    To effectively tackle oily hair with shampoo bars, it’s essential to establish a proper routine. Follow these tips for optimal results:

    1. Wet your hair thoroughly.
    2. Take the shampoo bar and massage it onto your scalp in gentle, circular motions. Allow the natural oils and ingredients in the shampoo bar to deep cleanse your hair and scalp.
    3. Create a rich lather by rubbing the bar between your hands or directly onto your scalp. This helps distribute the product evenly and ensures a thorough clean.
    4. Rinse your hair thoroughly, making sure to remove all traces of the shampoo bar. Residue can contribute to greasiness.
    5. If necessary, follow with a conditioner to nourish and moisturize the lengths of your hair. Be sure to rinse it out completely to avoid any buildup that may contribute to oily hair.

    By incorporating these practices into your hair care routine, you can effectively address oily hair concerns and enjoy the benefits of shampoo bars.

    Shampoo Bar BrandDescription
    EthiqueEthique offers a wide range of shampoo bars specifically formulated for oily hair. Their products are known for their sustainability and effectiveness.
    Eco WarriorEco Warrior’s shampoo bars are made with natural ingredients and are ideal for combatting oily hair. Their eco-friendly packaging is an added bonus.
    LamazunaLamazuna’s shampoo bars are designed to balance and purify oily hair. They are known for their cruelty-free and zero-waste approach.
    LushLush offers a variety of shampoo bars tailored to different hair types, including options for oily hair. Their handmade bars are effective in controlling excess oil.

    Tips for Washing Your Hair with Shampoo Bars

    Washing oily hair with shampoo bars can be tricky, but with the right technique, you can achieve great results. Here are some tips to help you care for your oily hair with shampoo bars:

    1. Start by combing your hair to remove any tangles and dirt. This will ensure that the shampoo bar can reach all areas of your scalp.
    2. Wet your hair thoroughly before rubbing the shampoo bar onto your scalp. This will help create a rich lather and distribute the cleansing agents evenly.
    3. Remember not to use too much product, as shampoo bars are highly concentrated. A little goes a long way, so start with a small amount and add more if needed.
    4. Lather the shampoo with your hands, focusing on the back of your head and roots. Massage the lather into your scalp using circular motions to stimulate blood circulation and effectively cleanse the excess oil.
    5. Rinse your hair thoroughly to remove any excess product and oils. It’s essential to rinse until the water runs clear without any residue.
    6. If needed, follow with a conditioner. As oily hair tends to be prone to greasiness, apply the conditioner only to the ends of your hair to avoid weighing down the roots.

    By following these tips, you can effectively cleanse and care for your oily hair using shampoo bars. The natural ingredients in these bars will help balance your scalp’s oil production and leave your hair feeling clean and refreshed.

    Top Shampoo Bar Brands for Oily Hair

    When it comes to finding the best shampoo bars for oily hair, several reputable brands have crafted effective solutions. These brands offer shampoo bars specifically formulated to address the unique needs of oily hair, providing a natural and eco-friendly alternative to traditional liquid shampoos.

    Ethique’s Sweet and Spicy Volumizing Solid Shampoo Bar
    Ethique is a renowned brand known for its commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. They offer a range of shampoo bars that are not only effective but also plastic-free and cruelty-free. With their dedication to environmental conservation, Ethique has become a favorite among those seeking greener hair care options.
    Eco Warrior Shampoo Bars
    4 Reviews
    Eco Warrior Shampoo Bars
    Eco Warrior is another popular brand that offers shampoo bars specially designed for oily hair. Their products are made with natural ingredients to prevent harsh chemicals from stripping the scalp of its natural oils. With their gentle yet effective formulations, Eco Warrior shampoo bars keep the hair clean and refreshed without causing excess oil production.
    Lamazuna Solid Shampoo Bar For Normal Hair
    Lamazuna is a brand that has gained recognition for its commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing. Their shampoo bars for oily hair are crafted using high-quality natural ingredients. Lamazuna’s bars effectively remove excess oil and impurities while nourishing the scalp, leaving the hair clean, balanced, and refreshed.


    Lush, also a well-known brand in the beauty industry, also offers shampoo bars suitable for oily hair. While some of their bars may contain sulfates, Lush provides a diverse range of options that cater to different hair types. Their shampoo bars effectively cleanse the scalp, helping to control excess oil and leaving the hair feeling revitalized.

    These top shampoo bar brands for oily hair provide effective options for individuals looking to reduce plastic waste and promote healthier, greasiness-free hair. By choosing shampoo bars from these reputable brands, you can enjoy the benefits of natural, sustainable, and eco-friendly hair care.


    After exploring the benefits and tips for using shampoo bars for oily hair, it is clear that these eco-friendly alternatives can be a good choice for those with greasy locks. Shampoo bars offer deep cleansing and moisturizing properties that effectively remove excess oil without stripping the scalp of its natural oils.

    However, it is crucial to find the right shampoo bar that suits your specific hair type and to follow a proper washing routine. Wet your hair thoroughly, massage the bar onto your scalp in circular motions, and rinse thoroughly to remove any residue. Remember to avoid using too much product, as shampoo bars are highly concentrated.

    By incorporating shampoo bars into your hair care routine, not only can you achieve healthier and greasiness-free hair, but you can also contribute to reducing plastic waste. Brands like Ethique, Eco Warrior, Lamazuna, and Lush offer effective shampoo bars for oily hair, made with natural and sustainable ingredients.

    So, if you’re looking for an eco-friendly and efficient solution for your oily hair, give shampoo bars a try. Find the right one for your hair type, follow the proper washing routine, and enjoy the benefits of cleaner, shinier, and healthier hair.

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